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Family Hospitals COVID-19 update

Family Hospitals COVID-19 update / 31 January 2023
COVID19 Headlight

Facing the era of the COVID-19 virus pandemic that is increasingly widespread, Family Hospital is committed to maintaining the maximum possible health protocol for your safety and comfort.

As a Special Hospital for Mother and Children, we do not accept and treat COVID-19 patients.

The screening protocol applies to anyone entering hospital facilities, both RSIA Grand Family and RSIA Family.

Please note that we also limit the number of outpatient companions, where there is only 1 person for adult patients and 2 for children. We also limit the number of inpatients as follows :

  1. RSIA Grand Family - Inpatient waiting is only allowed for classes:
    • Deluxe: maximum 1 person (maximum 2 people allowed for child patients)
    • Executive VIP: maximum of 2 people
    • President Suite: maximum 3 people
  2. RSIA Family - Inpatient waiting is only allowed for classes:

    • Executive VIP, maximum 2 VIPs
    • Deluxe + and Deluxe with a maximum number of 1 person.
    • Standard Class does not allow patient watchmen.

 Assistants are required to conduct screening using the Antibody Rapid Test method.

After passing the screening with negative Rapid Test results, the inpatient administrative officer will provide a companion card valid for 1 name. This card must be carried while in the hospital area and shown to the security officer on the treatment floor.

The Covid 19 Screening Area for the Public is also confirmed to be in a separate area with the Screening Area for Pregnant Women. We are trying our best to minimize the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Hopefully Moms and Dads could remain calm and comfortable to visit the Family Hospitals. It is very important for Family Hospitals to support the health protocol. All hospital admissions will be managed to ensure compliance with these measures. Therefore, we ask for your patience when entering the Family Hospitals.

Frequently asked questions:
Safety Protocol - Outpatient
  1. All patients and visitors are required to wear masks, keep their distance, avoid crowds and wash their hands while in the hospital environment. 
  2. All patients and visitors adhere to the applicable screening procedures, namely checking the temperature and filling out the screening form in the Screening Area.
  3. Patients who pass the screening will be given a green sticker marker and will be directed to enter the main building with the completed screening form.
  4. Patients who do not pass the screening will be given a red sticker and directed to the Advanced Screening area for further assessment by the ER doctor, then coordinate with the intended doctor or policeman that the patient cannot enter the clinic and the action is postponed or rescheduled or teleconsulted via WhatsApp. 
  5. All outpatients are required to follow outpatient registration procedures during a pandemic. 
  6. Patients are only allowed to enter the building after receiving a call via WhatsApp.
  7.  Outpatient companions allowed into the building : 
    • Maximum 1 person for adult patients
    • Maximum of 2 people for pediatric patients
  8. The waiting room capacity of the Obgyn polyclinic and the children's polyclinic is a maximum of 20 people.
Safety Protocol - Inpatient
  1. All patients and visitors are required to wear masks, keep their distance and wash their hands while in the hospital environment.
  2. During a pandemic, inpatient visiting / visiting hours will be eliminated.
  3. During the pandemic, baby shows are being canceled.
  4. We also limit the number of inpatients as follows :
    1. RSIA Grand Family
      Inpatient waiting is only allowed for classes :
      • Deluxe: maximum 1 person (maximum 2 people allowed for child patients)
      • Executive VIP: maximum of 2 people
      • President Suite: maximum 3 people

    2. RSIA Family
      Inpatient waiting is only allowed for classes :

      • Executive VIP, maximum 2 VIPs

      • Deluxe + and Deluxe with a maximum number of 1 person.

      • Standard Class does not allow patient watchmen.

  5. Inpatient caregivers are allowed a maximum of 65 years old, in good health and are required to screen the Rapid Antigen Test at the time of check-in.  

  6. Inpatient companions will be given a special identification that must be used while in the hospital environment.

  7. The Doctor visits for infants / children are made via telephone / video call.

Am I allowed to come to Family Hospitals without an appointment ?

Family Hospitals accepts walk-in patients (without agreement). However for your convenience we recommend to do appoinment to the registration number. You will still get a queue number according to your arrival time.

What is the screening procedure if I want to consult a specialist at Family Hospitals ? Are there any specific requirements?

Moms or your little one is welcome to the Screening Area to take temperature measurements and fill out the screening form. If Moms and your little one or other companions pass the screening criteria, they will be invited to enter the main building to consult at the designated specialist polyclinic. The screening criteria that we apply are :

  • No health symptoms / complaints
  • Not currently in quarantine
  • The results of the covid-19 test in the last 14 days were negative.
In this pandemic era, can we still take the option of sharing rooms (Standard Room)?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, standard class treatment rooms can be filled with a maximum capacity of 50% and a minimum distance of 1.5 meters the beds.

How many companions are allowed for inpatients during COVID-19?

Family Hospitals have a "No Visitor Allowed" protocol during the pandemic where visiting hours are eliminated.

  1. In RSIA GRAND FAMILY, inpatient waiting is only allowed for classes:
    • Deluxe: maximum 1 person (maximum 2 people allowed for child patients)
    • Executive VIP: maximum of 2 people
    • President Suite: maximum 3 people
  2. For RSIA FAMILY, inpatient waiters are only allowed for classes:
    • Executive VIP, maximum 2 VIPs
    • Deluxe + and Deluxe with a maximum number of 1 person.
  3. The companion is required to screen the Rapid Antigen Test. If the results are non-reactive, the companion will be given a Companion Card which must be used while in the hospital treatment area and show the maintenance floor security officer and the room nurse.
How is Covid-19 transmitted ?

COVID-19 is mainly transmitted from person to person via respiratory droplets that can be inhaled directly or airborne (circulating air). These droplets come out when someone  COVID-19 sneezes, coughs, or talks. People who have COVID-19 are said to be most contagious when they have symptoms but the spread can also occur even if a person is asymptomatic. To help limit the spread of infection, you and your family should wear masks, maintain hand hygiene, avoid handshakes and large gatherings, and practice social distancing.

How is the screening of medical personnel & employees at Family Hospitals ?

Just like patients and escorts, all staff at Family Hospitals must pass through screening before entering the hospital area. All hospital employees are also required to Rapid Test Antigen 2 times per month.

Can pregnant women get COVID-19 ?

 Yes, pregnant women may be affected by COVID-19.

What is the effect of COVID-19 on pregnant women or nursing mothers ?

74% of pregnant women do not have any symptoms (asymptomatic). In some cases, pregnant women show mild to moderate flu symptoms. Fever and cough are the most common symptoms, with runny nose and sneezing being less frequent. Although most pregnant women have no symptoms, 13% of pregnant women with COVID-19 experience serious illness. Several comorbid diseases in pregnant women such as chronic hypertension, diabetes mellitus and pre-eclampsia cause the symptoms of COVID-19 to be heavier. Studies show that pregnant women have no more (or less) symptoms of COVID-19 than women who are not pregnant. Some theories even suggest that mother-to-baby transmission of COVID-19 occurs after birth. New research shows the amniotic fluid, umbilical cord blood, neonatal throat swabs and placenta from mothers infected with COVID-19 negative for the virus.

I am pregnant, but I have COVID-19. What should I do ?

In connection with Family Hospital NOT RECEIVING / CARING FOR COVID-19 CONFIRMED PATIENTS, so if the mother has a COVID-19 confirmation status and the delivery is planned / elective, the Specialist Doctor will coordinate with the ER team to look for a referral hospital for further treatment. Patients will be transported by ambulance by a trained medical team.

If I am pregnant and have COVID-19, can I still give birth normally or do I have to have an emergency test ?

Basically, all the recommendations given by doctors take into account the conditions and medical indications of the mother and baby. There is no evidence to suggest that a caesarean section is safer for women who have COVID-19. Pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic can undergo normal delivery or caesarean section, according to the results of the doctor's examination and the indications for both mother and baby. In normal and cesarean delivery, the Team of Doctors and Hospitals still prioritizes patient safety procedures and health protocols in an effort to prevent / minimize the chain of spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Can Covid-19 in pregnant women affect the fetus?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC), COVID-19 in pregnant women can increase the rate of preterm birth. Research shows the risk of preterm birth is 3.01 times higher in mothers who have COVID-19. In addition, the risk of babies being treated in special infant units is also 3.13 times higher if the mother has COVID-19. Affected newborns, either from transmission in the womb or from early infection, do not appear to develop serious illness. To date, the rate of confirmed COVID-19 cases among children has been much lower, compared to the general population.

If you have symptoms, can you still consult a specialist ?

For the location of the Grand Family Hospital, there are 2 alternative IGDs to separate healthy and sick patients. Patients or children who have symptoms and do not pass the screening at the entrance will be given a red sticker and can consult with a general practitioner or specialist in the emergency screening building according to the doctor's schedule available. Meanwhile, in RSIA Family, we separate the examination area for patients with complaints so that you can still consult a specialist in the ER or through teleconsultation.

I worry about my newborn baby in this pandemic era. Will my baby be safe?

Our hospital has strict health protocols to minimize the risk of transmitting COVID-19. Some of the things we do are:

  • Perform routine screening of medical personnel and employees, including nursery nurses (can be seen in the next point)
  • Implement a "hand on hand" protocol whereby all doctors and nurses perform hand hygiene and change gloves after contact with each baby.
  • During the room in session, Moms and Dads or other companions are also required to keep wearing a mask.
Can I live with my baby / make direct contact if I am a suspect or have been confirmed with COVID-19 ?

Research shows that babies are at risk for infection with COVID-19. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics says that room-in sessions can be performed on mothers who have confirmed COVID-19 with the following recommendations:

Keep your distance whenever possible

  • Use a mask every time

  • Perform hand hygiene

Can I give exclusive breastfeeding if I am a suspect or have been confirmed with COVID-19 ?

Research shows that the COVID-19 virus cannot be found in breast milk. Therefore, breastfeeding is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, which can be done in two ways:

  • Direct Breastfeeding by performing hand hygiene and using masks

  • By pumping breast milk and then given it to the baby by another person.

If my baby is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), can I visit ?

You can still visit by complying with the following Intensive Care Room entry rules:

  • MANDATORY use a mask

  • MANDATORY use cover shoes for foot protection, hair cap for head protection and clean clothes / gowns.

  • It is MANDATORY to carry out hand hygiene using soap / handrub provided at the front (entrance) of the Intensive Room and Baby's Room

  • If it is allowed to touch the patient by the doctor / officer, it is MANDATORY to use disposable gloves and throw them away immediately when you leave the room.

  • The number of patient visitors who are allowed to be inside is a maximum of 2 (two) people with a maximum duration of 10 minutes (except in certain conditions with the approval of the doctor / nurse on duty)

  • Not allowed to bring more than 1 (one) item (bag, bag, etc.) into the Intensive Space

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Komplek Pluit Mas. Jl Pluit Mas Raya 1 Blok A, 2A-4, Jakarta utara 14450

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Komplek Elang Laut Boulevard. Jl Pantai Indah Selatan 1 no. 1 Jakarta Utara 14470

(021) 29673777 (021) 29673737

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Komplek Pluit Mas. Jl Pluit Mas Raya 1 Blok A, 2A-4, Jakarta utara 14450

(021) 6695066

Komplek Elang Laut Boulevard. Jl Pantai Indah Selatan 1 no. 1 Jakarta Utara 14470

(021) 29673777 (021) 29673737
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