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Friday, 07 May 2021 Article

Breastmilk Changes Color?

Breastmilk Changes Color?

Generally, breast milk (ASI) has a milky white color. However, there are several conditions that can cause breast milk discoloration, from the production period of the milk to the type of food consumed by breastfeeding mothers.

The first few weeks after giving birth, the color of the milk will change. This change takes place in several stages, namely:

Yellow Breast Milk Color

Many mothers produce yellow milk during the first few days after delivery and this is normal. This is called colostrum, the first highly concentrated and nutritious milk your body produces after giving birth.

Colostrum often has a thick, yellow color, is rich in antibodies and is thicker. Usually, Moms will produce this milk for up to five days after giving birth.

Color of Breast Milk White

After a few days since the first time the colostrum is released, milk production will increase and the body begins to produce transitional milk.

During this two week transition period, the color of breast milk usually changes from yellow to white. This transitional breast milk contains a lot of fat and lactose.

Color of breastmilk is clear bluish and white

Mature breast milk appears after a transition period. This type of breast milk contains more water than carbohydrates, protein and fat.

Ripe breast milk is divided into two types, namely foremilk which is slightly clear and bluish in color and hindmilk which appears white in color. Although different, these two types of mature breast milk are very necessary for the growth and development of babies.

Changes in the color of breast milk are normal as changes in the condition of your body after childbirth. The color of breast milk can also change due to the nutritional intake that enters the mother's body.

So, try not to panic in the face. Instead, you just need to focus on the amazing benefits that your breast milk does for your baby's growth and development.


Breast Milk Color: From Yellow to Blue to Pink [Internet]. TMR International Hospital. 2021 [cited 7 May 2021]. Available from:

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